Taurus Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More

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Taurus Characteristics


Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac and the ruler of the second house, is all about reward. Unlike Aries’s love of the game, the typical Taurus personality loves the rewards of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this sign revel in delicious excess. This zodiac sign is also tactile, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch.

Taurus zodiac sign adores comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, they also favour a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all its guises, whether it’s the arts or art of their own making (yes, these folks are artistic as well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born.

Ruled by Venus, Taurus’ archetypal traits are derived from its receptive, feminine, or yin qualities, making this sign oriented toward contemplation and engagement with inner awareness. Alive in both a Taurus woman or Taurus man, those born with the sign of the Bull as their rising, sun, or moon sign have a steady, patient, and generous energy in the core of their personality, as if the bounty of Spring were alive in their souls.

As a fixed sign, Taurus’ personality traits hold the qualities of being a sustainer. As a result, those with the sign of the Bull prominent in their charts tend to be great at dedicating themselves to seeing projects and relationships through.

Taureans can be thought of as the “builders” of the zodiac since being ruled by Venus, these natives faithfully serve to produce and facilitate material abundance and all that is beautiful, nourishing, or pleasurable in life.


The primary Taurus strengths can be found in their patience, and their ability to be resourceful, productive, and consistent. Peaceful and receptive, Taurus folks tend to be lovers of good common sense. They often think concretely and practically, and carefully consider what they mean to say.
Being a fixed earth sign, Taurus can be counted on to stabilize, sustain, and preserve what they value, be that their work or their relationships. While cardinal signs are good at the beginning, and mutable signs are good at change, Taurus natives are reliable and steady in completing what they start and dogged in honouring their commitments.

As a result of being born under a fixed earth sign, Taurus may take their time to patiently absorb new knowledge or skills, but with their strong determination and powers of concentration, they rarely forget a lesson learned.

With the influence of Venus over their lives, those born under the sign of the Bull are naturally connected to the beauty of the earth, and the sensuality of their own bodies. Taureans love to enjoy and preserve nature and feel rebalanced and recharged by spending time walking on or digging in the earth.

As masters of the material world, Taurus natives are usually creative and very skilled at handicrafts of all kinds and love to collect, accumulate, and share beautiful, well-made treasures. Though they love receiving, giving gifts is a favourite activity for the sweet and sentimental Bull, who generously showers their friends and lovers with beautiful gifts.

Similar to Libra, Taurus usually has the Venusian signature of good taste, yet this may appear in a more rugged and earthy aesthetic. Those born under the sign of the Bull adorn themselves with fabrics and accessories that are not only beautiful to the eye but have some texture or tactile quality that “feels” good to wear, or touch.


Some potential weaknesses in the Taurus archetype are rooted in their great strengths. Though patient, and peaceful, this can lead to these natives being somewhat complacent at times, making them vulnerable to getting stuck in a rut and feeling unmotivated.

The influence of fixed earth is very strong, which can present as being averse to change, and overly rooted in their ways and mindset. Though not particularly vengeful, Taurus’ long memory may mean they seldom forget a slight mistake, and it may take offenders a long time to earn back the Bull’s trust, or to change their minds.

This can be a strength when it comes to Taurus needing to respect themselves, as they can often be taken advantage of or underestimated, however, this can become a stumbling block if they are simply being stubborn or controlling to belabour a point.

Habits are a prominent theme for those born under the Bull, as their routines can help them be productive and organized, but even if the habit has outlived its usefulness, they may stick to it long after it is necessary. This could be problematic if they are clinging to the habit for a sense of security, or if the habit has become unhealthy in some way. It may appear especially in regard to food or drink which they will likely adore.

Fixed signs, with their determination and ability to focus and concentrate, are vulnerable to “fixations” and obsessions, with Taurus getting overly attached to ideas, people, or belongings. They may even treat their love interests as trophies, placing them on impossible, idolized pedestals, which can lead them to be overly sentimental and possessive of their lovers.
Taurus’ love of fine objects can lead to pickiness and materialism, making them overly focused on what they have, rather than their natural core, loving values.

Children born under the sign of the Bull will be well nurtured if they are urged out of their comfort zones to try new experiences, to learn how to share with their friends, and to share their friends! Being naturally sweet and caring, Taurus kids may enjoy giving food and toys to little ones less fortunate than themselves as a practice of letting go and easing their attachment to things.

Taurus Traits & Overview

Symbol :The Bull
Aries Dates :Apr 20 – May 20
Mode + Element :Fixed Earth
Zodiac Facts :

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